Volunteer Recruitment and Screening
CourseVolunteers are an incredible gift to any organization, but finding the right fit is vital. In this course, we will discuss the basic components and inter-dependencies of recruiting and screening volunteers. The value of having a recruitment process.
Intimacy and Emotional Disconnect in Military Populations
CourseThis course investigates links between emotional disconnect and relationship intimacy issues primarily among Veteran and active duty military couples.
Setting Boundaries as a Volunteer
CourseThis course discusses the importance of setting personal & professional boundaries when working as a volunteer.
Good Grief
CourseGrief is not only experienced with death, it can also occur with job loss or severe changes to physical well-being. The purpose of this course is to recognize loss and identify what is learned as a result of that loss.
Leadership Skills that Drive Impact
CourseThis course is designed for community leaders interested in learning how to use collective impact principles to foster collaboration and increase impact for service members, Veterans, their families, and their caregivers.
Goodbye to Going It Alone
CourseThis course explains ways to overcome the stigma of asking for help and finding the courage to take action. This course teaches Veterans and caregivers when it is time to ask for help and the steps required to take care of themselves.