Traumatic Brain Injury
CourseTBI is considered a signature wound of the recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, and its prevalence in military service members and Veterans makes it an important topic to review for providers who treat Veterans.
Advising Military Students on Higher Education
CourseIn this course, we’ll take a brief look at higher education options and transition information for military students whom you might advise.
Getting Veterans Connected
CourseMeet MOE, your Motivating Online Expert. Join MOE on a tour of the World Wide Web, and learn how to navigate the internet, access your Veteran benefits, and find other resources online.
Finding Veteran Support Programs
CourseNo matter what issue you’re facing, you can use the power of the internet to reach out and get the help you deserve.
Telehealth Services
CourseJoin MOE, your Motivating Online Expert, to learn how telehealth brings medical and mental health services directly to Veterans by using your computer or smartphone.
Becoming Job Ready
CourseWith the widespread use of the internet, the job market has changed drastically. What used to be “pounding the pavement” to look for a job has now become “pounding the keyboard”.